
La La Latch


05-11-2015, 10:49 PM

Lore sat back and waited while the curiously familiar woman dug into the offered meal like she hadn't eaten in weeks. For all she knew maybe it was the truth. She was positive that she had never met this woman before, but something about her just seemed so familiar... She just couldn't put her paw on it. Was there a way to know wolves without actually knowing them? She wasn't entirely sure. It was almost like a moment of deja vu when she looked at this woman's blue and gold gaze. She tried her best to shrug it off, writing it off as nothing more than coincidence, but it was hard.

The woman finally finished the hare and Lore smiled a little. She was sad that she would have the hunt for dinner again, but she could be happy with the fact that she had been able to help someone in need. This woman clearly needed it more than she had anyway. She asked for her name and Lore wouldn't hesitate to give it. "Well of course! I'm Lorelei Sirel-Destruction. It's nice to meet you," she replied, her lilting sing-song voice as chipper as ever. She smiled and looked at the woman expectantly, hoping that this would mean that she would introduce herself in return.

"Talk" "You" Think