
I Need a Ride or Die



3 Years
05-12-2015, 01:38 AM

There was a brief moment of silence and Arda took it to try and reign in her breathing… her emotions. She hadn’t meant for the outburst to happen… hadn’t meant to push herself into this corner. But then she had hadn’t she? And now for better or for worse she would have to explain herself. Laoch attempted to begin again and despite herself she had to chuckle slightly. "I prefer Arda…” She wasn’t going to lower her pitch, not again, he would just have to deal with what she considered her natural voice. Still there was that question and she faltered again.

Her brother rose to his paws and Arda met his gaze. She wanted to believe him, she wanted to believe him so much! "When we were born mom and dad looked at us and declared that we were brothers and Shi was our sister." She began, doing her best to keep her voice level. "If they hadn’t of done that it’d still be correct right? If they had simply named us and called it a day you’d still be my brother and Shikoba would still be our sister." Well assuming anyways… but she was reasonably certain neither of her siblings felt she way she did.

"But what if…" She took a deep breath and started again. "What if they were wrong? What if mom and dad had looked at you and said ‘this child is female!’ would you be my sister or would you still be my brother?" The girl shifted again. "What if all my life I was told I was a boy, that I was a brother but it never felt right? What if on the inside I felt like a girl? What does that make me? Who does that make me?"

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: MUKlXeo.png]