
Ohana, Augustus, Ohana



06-11-2013, 05:23 PM

The wedding had gone well, there was no trouble, most people were on their best behavior. Even with the welcoming wolves of Valhalla, and seeing Ref having a good time, Loccian just couldn't quite get into the happy mood. It wasn't that she wanted to remain that way, it just happened. She would have the urge to sit by someone and chat but her body just wouldn't have any of that. It was quite frustrating and a few times she had to leave the crowd to cool down. She was happy that Ref had some pups ot keep her company though, to distract her from thoughts of the previous day, when Loccian found her on the borders.

With a heavy sigh the female squeezed out of a broken section of the barn she had been staying in, leaving the pup to sleep after having such an exhausting journey and fun time at the wedding. The shewolf moved through the land, snow crunching beneath her paws, tail swaying gently behind her.

It had been snowing before she left, a thin blanket already coating her pelt. Storm grey eyes stared at the terrain before her, scanning over it, nose sniffing the air. All there was, was snow, no wolves or prey or other predators. I guss I should be grateful. She mumbled to herself, coing to a stop, lifting her head to the sky and closing her eyes with a deep breath. Even though it was Winter, not her favorite time of the year, it was still nice because she could go out for a walk and not be interrupted by others.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3