
dude, quit hitting people with that guitar



3 Years
05-12-2015, 06:42 PM
A massive, bloody-red paw hovered above her tiny head, and she slowly lowered her body to the ground, her eyes glued to it with worry. But before she could flee, he moved it, and dropped to the ground. Ah, and thank goodness for that. Her neck was beginning to get tired...Luck giggled gently again, her tail continuing to tap against the ground. But her innocent blue eyes would soon drift to the gold-looking thing that hugged his neck and jangled about when he lowered himself to her level. She was about to ask, but he began speaking first, and she listened politely. was a name she had never heard of! Cinder, she'd heard of that word before. But Regulus was unique! Luck grinned to the girl in which he was introduced, nodding her head and turning back to the large red boy. "It's nice to meet you...Regulus!"  She grinned, turning her head and lifted her body up in attempt to spot the woman in which he called his mother. But it was no use. Too many wolves stood in the way, talking and eating. After awhile, she gave up and sat back down in front of him, only to hear him say, "Big crowd, huh?"

Luck sent him a relieved look, her ears hanging back against her head lazily. "Big crowd indeed! I thought I was the only one who thought so." She heaved, her big blue eyes traveling back down to the thing on his neck. She bit her lip, fighting back the temptation to ask what it was. But it finally streamed out of her mouth like a group of wasps bolting out of a hive. "That thing on your neck...what is it?" Luck asked quietly, clearly interested. She hoped she wasn't being rude by asking. And she definitely hoped she didn't remind him of any memories of things he didn't quite want to remember.