
Walker Adoptables!



9 Years
05-12-2015, 08:34 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2015, 05:20 PM by Kreft.)
[Image: unaxunknown1_by_limnoh-d8t63tg.png]

Name: Satoshi walker
Adopt: 5
Personality:Sato will be a lawful neutral wolf not really having a strong desire to be good or bad. He will enjoy fighting for the sport of it, not for the blood like most of his family does, he will be protective of other wolves who can’t fight for themselves, he will gladly help somebody in a fight if they ask or if they seem to be losing. He will obey orders he is given if not after dilly-dallying for a bit. He will try his best but sometimes his best is not up to other wolves standards. He will be trustworthy, you can trust him not to be an open book about everything he knows. It won’t take a lot to gain his trust, but it will take some trust on the other end as well. Around women who aren’t family he will be a bit uncomfortable, he will be more comfortable around males and will be more likely to be himself around them.
Sex and Gender:Male
History: thinking something like he and his sibling went wandering when they were pups and couldn't find their way back to their parents
Why do you want this character?: Because the walkers are an interesting family and i want one of them
Plot idea's: if the sibling gets adopted then maybe going on adventures, and in general just dealing with his crazy family.
Roleplay Sample:
He would look up at the sky, winter had come and it was snowing. The lake in front of him had started to freeze over, his sibling had wandered off by themself again. He would have preferred to have stayed by his Sibling’s side so as to make sure that they didn’t get separated like they did from their parents. He would lay down at the side of the river, his right paw dangling over the edge. A small fish would swim by, he would take his paw and swipe at the fish attempting to catch it. He missed, it was okay for now since he had eaten a rabbit not too long ago. Only if he was to survive the winter he had to improve on his hunting skills, he would stand up again. He was getting worried for his sibling, it had been a while since they had left. He would walk in the general direction they had gone in, he hoped that they hadn’t gotten lost.
[Image: Gqk3pLr.png]
[Image: xfrNNFt.png]