
Ohana, Augustus, Ohana


06-11-2013, 06:03 PM
The boy was excited, this was his birth season! He didn't really know much since his lack of knowledge as a pup due to the absence of his mother when he really needed her...but he had managed. It was even a miracle that the boy was alive! Augustus focused his white gaze on the white things falling from the sky, snow. The new yearling loved snow! With a leap he bounded into the snow and rolled in it and let himself let out tiny playful growls and snarls. His black tail started to wag as he stood up and then looked around.

Everything was so beautiful, it was so nice! There was something about snow that made the boy excited, he just loved it. Hopefully the young brute would find somewhere to live. By the smell of it he was near a pack...maybe they would be friendly? Augustus didn't really know what to do. He was still learning and was a little bit of a late bloomer. There was even some of his puppy fur still in his coat. Born as a premature puppy it was even a miracle he was still alive.

With a small smile the wolf composed himself and stood at full length in this winter wonderland. The male opened up his maw and let his tongue stick out as he tried to have a snowflake fall upon it. As the yearling breathed in and out his puffs of air were visible.

Calm was Augustus now as he became reserved and thoughtful. It was weird, his inner puppy was here then all of a sudden there was the real yearling appearing. Despite his tufts of puppy fur here and there the male had finally grown into his paws a bit more and his head had grown into his ears. This was nice, it only took a little more time for him to blossom fully.