
Walker Adoptables!


05-13-2015, 02:14 PM
Username: Croatoan

Name: Katsuro Walker

Adopt: #4

Personality: Those who first meet Katsuro would truly believe that he is a normal wolf, without the several other 'wolves' lurking under his surface. His main personality is a sweet one, and very quiet as well, some of his words slurring and the male stuttering some when in this personality. Quite a few things trigger his other personalities, though, and such a change will more than likely make another wolf alarmed with these sudden actions. If the male feels threatened, a more aggressive side will come out, not afraid to hurt anyone even if they didn't mean to threaten him. As with his more aggressive personality, a sudden scare can make Katsuro's current personality change into something more afraid. Having a bad injury can also make his personality change once more.

Katsuro has a goal, even if the wolf protected is different. In his main personality, the male wishes to protect his siblings. In his more aggressive side, he does not wish to protect anyone at all. Rather, his goal is to claim a pack and make it feared, make the enemies of that pack cower in fear. The goal that his more timid side has is to protect himself, and himself alone. To this side of him, his family could take care of themselves. As long as he isn't hurt, he doesn't care. The side that comes out when he is inured only has himself in mind as well; get this wound healed, and fast.

Without his sibling to confide in, Katsuro is not the most social wolf. His sibling is the only wolf that he will talk to. The others will be greeted by a not-so-friendly silence, regardless of who they are. The male isn't exactly shy, but he prefers to stay away from crowds. Honestly, crowds care him.

Sex and Gender: Male.

History: I guess history shall have to be decided with whoever gets his sibling?

Why do you want this character?: I think the history would be really neat, and I haven't really played a character like I made Katsuro, so I think it would be fun playing him.

Plot idea's: All the craziness as he searches for his sibling and probably runs into other Walkers.

Roleplay Sample:

No, no no. He stared down, inside the pit, at the rabbit he had dropped when he had tripped over something. His stomach rumbled, as if reminding him how hungry he was. He needed that rabbit. Hesitantly, one paw after the other, Katsuro made his way towards the rabbit, despite the fact that he could get badly hurt. His blue eyes narrowed as he made his way down the side of the pit. Just a little closer...... He moved closer to the rabbit, his tail held behind him. Close-
A rock slid under his paw, or something like that, sending the russet male into the pit. A soft yelp escaped him as his head landed on something, sending piercing pain through him as everything around him started to go black. This can't be..... His thoughts trailed off as everything went dark.

When his blue eyes finally opened, he rose his head, getting to his paws. Instantly, he was rewarded with a sharp pain. A soft whimper came from him as he tilted his head, trying to figure out what was wrong. If he could see beside his ear, he would see the deep cut from a rock, and the bloody, stained fur around his wound. But as he looked around, he saw the blood on the rock, splattered against the gray, an explosion of color against the dull pit. Raising his head, despite the pain, Katsuro stared up at the sky. He faced one question, one that could be life or death if he was in this pit long enough.

How was he going to get out of here?