
Dún do shúil



12 Years
Extra large
05-13-2015, 06:33 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He was coming back with a live rabbit hanging in his jaws. The animal had stopped screeching finally, seeming resigned to its fate as a pup toy. That or shock had taken over. It was part of nature. His mother had done the same with himself and his sisters when they’d been around this age. It was as he reached the ravine that he felt the heartbeat slow and fade between his teeth. His ears drooped out sideways in a bit of frustration. This was the third rabbit so far today. He’d given the other two to his mother and father. So this one would go to Zuriel. But first, he figured maybe it would be a good idea for his baby siblings to get a sniff of the rabbit so they would know the smell of this prey when they were able to take on hunting.

He drew close to the wide area of the ravine and paused, in time to hear his little brother calling for each of their family in turn. His ears flicked back. He knew his mother was taking a break; she was with their father on the meeting boulder, catching the last rays of sunlight before winter set in and made the rays useless for basking in. He scaled the natural stone steps and peeked inside to find his brother on his back. But no sign of Báine. He dropped the rabbit and entered the cave, sapphires scanning about for the albino girl. "Sa chás go bhfuil Báine, Tórnach?" He asked, an edge of concern in his baritone voice as he glanced around again before lowering his head to sniff his little brothers frame. "Agus cad a tharla duit? Cén fáth go raibh tú ar do dhroim?" It honestly delighted him that his mother had been as diligent with the Old Tongue teaching with his baby siblings as much as she had with himself and his littermates. It felt special to be able to speak with his siblings this way, a connection to their grandmother.

He found no hurts in his inspection and sat back, turning his head to howl for Zuriel, relaying a message to keep an eye open for their wayward baby sister. His message sent, he turned to Tórnach. "Ar mhaith leat chun cabhrú liom cuardach a dhéanamh ar an phluais do Báine, deartháir beag?"