
Ohana, Augustus, Ohana



06-11-2013, 06:46 PM

Loccian's peace had broke, ear swiveling to the side as noises rolled over the land and reached her. Head tilted to the side as she listened closely, trying to determine whether it was somebody lost or just some youngsters playing around. With a sniff the woman was off, paws carrying her in the direction the noises were coming from. Even without knowing what it was she still thought it would be a good idea to check it out, that way if it was somehting bad then she could to Gerhardt and inform him of it.

Moving at a steady pace the ash colored female moved, grey orbs scanning the terrain, tail swaying behind her. It was best to keep your eyes peeled and nose scenting the air, anyone could sneak up on you, no matter how much your on guard. Especially a small wolf like Loccian.

Within minutes she finally reached where the noises had come from, but as a figure came within her sight, her paws moved slower, eyes slowly going wide. Within a few yards of the wolf, a look of utter surprise was painted on her face. This wolf... it looked like. Octavian! She barked, taking a hesitant step forward. Did she lose it, finally lost her mind so much that she was seeing him now?!

Loccian shook her head, unable to pull her gaze away from the boy before her. This couldn't be her brother! Octavian was dead, she watched the life drain from his body before her very eyes! Why are you here?! You shouldn't be here! She barked, but no matter how much she wanted to be angry, angry thinking that her brother might have played a trick on her, it came out as a whine.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3