
New friends in the making


05-14-2015, 09:03 AM

It was ture enough. It was better to feel out of place then alone, for loneliness was a terrible, terrible thing. It could drain everything out of you, make you have no desire to go on. But she had been lucky. Though it had been hard, in the end she overcame and made a family for herself here. She would do anything for Secretua, for Rune, for the wolves that she looked at and viewed as her family and kin. This place would not be shaken, no matter what happened.

Ravine had no family, nor a mate or children. He had been alone. So terribly, terribly alone. The female would gave a nod of sympathy toward him. The question should have been expected to turn around on her, but Akemi wasn’t quite so ready for it. She would tense some, looking down.

“Most of my family is broken. My father had many wives, breaking out pack apart through time. My siblings went their separate ways, though I came across a few them out here from time to time. She would lift her head again, setting her jaw as she spoke the next part. She was not weak.

“In addition to that I’m afraid that I’ve never held a mate either. I was forced to bear children, forced to bear these scars by a monster of a wolf. I do not regret having my son and daughter however. They are strong, and they are my pride and joy. Even if their father is trash, they can be part of this pack with nothing at all to fear.” Akemi would give a little smirk.

“But he got what he deserved in the end. It was the last blessing my siblings gave me before the majority of them seemed to disappear into thin air.”


Table by:: Canttina