
Ohana, Augustus, Ohana


06-11-2013, 07:00 PM
The boy paused as he quickly turned his white gaze upon a dame who had suddenly appeared out of the blue, or white for that matter. But he had grown frightened at the sudden outburst of words and shrunk back as she said he shouldn't be here, and asked why he was here. Then the young brute remembered she had called him Octavian....his name was not Octavian, it was Augustus.

"Um...excuse me miss but my name isn't Octavian, it's Augustus. But I've heard that name before. Mother told me about him. That's the name of my father whom I've only heard stories about." he said as he looked down at hs light gray paws.

Augustus wondered if this was just a coincidence. The boy wasn't so excited to be on the "daddy" subject. Some days his mother would be in a bad mood and say that his father left her while she was still pregnant. Other stories were that he had tricked her. And some were great as she told him of how kind and strong hearted he was.

"yes yes..the "daddy" subject." he said to himself as a small whimper escaped his maw.

The yearling then looked up and focused his white gaze on the dame. Who was she? Was she angry at him? Did she really want him to leave? Was it a bad decision for him to even come here?

"I-if you want me to leave I can go if I'm not supposed to be here.." he said as he shrunk back and started to turn to leave.

His black ears lay back against his skull as he had his head dipped down. The boy didn't know what to do. The frightened inner puppy had came over him as he became confused on what he should do.

But then the way the femme said it came out in almost a whine. Augustus was probably as just as confused as she was. He just wanted to go somewhere where he would be loved again, and maybe even more loved than he was before. The boy wanted a family again. Often at night before he closed his eyes to sleep he prayed that his father would return and rescue him from his loneliness.

But where was his daddy? Had he really left without a thought of the boy's mother? Was he somewhere in these lands or another? Enjoying his life? Another small whimper escaped the young male as he looked up at the dame once more. What should he do?