
Fianna Dúr



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
05-14-2015, 10:20 AM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2015, 10:22 AM by Tórnach.)

His first taste of freedom before Regulus had appeared had merely whetted his curiosity and his need to know more about the World Outside. He'd bided his time until he was once more left to his own devices, and this time instead of staying within the confines of the ravine immediately outside their cave home he crept out to gaze wide-eyed over the massive open plains that tumbled out before his paws. "Thar barr!" came the gasp unbidden from his gaping muzzle. So much to see! How in the world would he be able to see and learn about all this? What was this plant beneath his feet? Or the dusting of white, cold stuff over it? What was that big thing flying way up in the sky? What was the bright light called? What were those big fluffy white things way up in the sky? Why was the sky blue? What was that?

Spotting something off in the distance the chubby puppy trotted as fast as his tiny legs could take him - more akin to a waddle than a true trot, but he was too intent on his goal to care - to bring the distant creature into view. It looked like a wolf sort of but it was so BIG and it's paws were funny like they were all claw and no pad, and it had really short fur and huge branches tied to its head. Why did it have branches on its head? His family brought sticks and stuff to chew on all the time and it seemed silly to put on your head something that you chewed on so why was he wearing chewy toys on his head? "Hóigh! a dhuine!" he called out to the creature, but his childish voice immediately set the creature to bounding away. What? Why? Why was he running away? Tornach just had a question for him! "Fan nóiméad! Fan nóiméad!" Silvery paws kicked up a bunch of the cold white stuff from beneath them as the boy sprinted off after the bounding creature, a creature that was very swiftly outdistancing him. "Fan nóiméaaaaaad!"


OOC: In case you were wondering what he was chasing, it was a mule deer.

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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