
most of all



2 Years
05-14-2015, 08:44 PM

Though his nervousness was still very much present, it began to be pushed aside by a more powerful emotion - determination. He was not going to fail at this. If he did that meant she would be in pain until someone else came through for her. He couldn't allow that to happen. She mentioned seeing some in the range, and he nodded. It wasn't a particularly long trip given his ease of travel, but it would take time. He didn't like the idea of leaving her alone for however long it would take, but he would never ask her to come with him. "I'll be back as soon as I can. If you need something, howl." Then, even if he couldn't get to her someone else could. "Don't thank me 'till I come back with the right plant," he grinned even as he said it, for he knew that the odds of that happening were slim. With a wink of a gleaming emerald eye he twisted his gaze away from her and picked up a smooth lope in the direction of the range. His ears were set back a few inches as he paced along, tail fluttering behind him for balance. Anyone passing by would probably be alarmed at the hardness of his physique, the determination pouring off of him. This wasn't something he took lightly. He reached the range in perhaps record time, though in truth he'd never thought about the time it took to travel between territories before. His head dipped low, nostrils flaring in efforts to detect anything that smelled like a skunk. He usually followed paths that were well worn, free of plants and foliage, but this time he would purposely slink through the undergrowth, eyes peeled for bulbs that looked like a crystal-y flower. The stench of a skunk wafted toward him, but it was incredibly strong and smelled incredibly alive. No, that couldn't be it. He lifted his head to its full height and peered over the undergrowth. Yeah, that was a real skunk. That wouldn't do. He adjusted his path further into the undergrowth, and further away from the skunk. He buried his muzzle (perhaps foolishly) into each and every plant in his path until he drew it up rather painfully out of a pointy one. "Dammit!" At the same time the stench of a skunk filled his nostrils and he was sure the creature he'd avoided only moments ago had tracked him down. He swiveled around at once, ready to kill the creature before it could spray him, but there was nothing there. He pivoted back to where he'd stood, a droplet or two of blood welling on his nose. There, beneath a completely non-special looking plant laid a diamond in the rough. Cannabis. He examined it closely, and it fulfilled every bit of what Rhythm had described. Tongue lashed across his muzzle, wiping away the few droplets of blood the plant had managed to steal from him. He dipped his head low and (carefully this time) ripped the plant up by its roots. He grinned rather comically behind pointed leaves as he bolted back toward the knolls. There was a lilt in his step that hadn't been there when he'd left as he arrived near Rhythm's den - finding her still outside. "G'eet" he managed to mumble before dropping his trophy at her front paws. "Now what?" He tilted his head at a happy degree, a smile curling across his cobalt lips.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.