
Insanity's Arrival


06-11-2013, 07:06 PM

?Smart choice "Jezzy". Or is that even your real name? We can discuss your rank and all the details when we arrive in Amenti.? A giggle burst forth, her expression suddenly turning serious as she stared at him. ?Jezebel. Jezebel Marie and I cannot help but wonder what rank I shall be.? The rhyming of her words cracked her suddenly serious persona and she giggled again, fixing him with strange stare.

His warning would fall upon deaf ears, as he loped away the lean tawny colored wolf raced after him in a lazy manner. As she caught up to him, she?d lean over and playfully attempt to nip at him before darting off in front of him a cackle rolling from her jaws. Amenti the pack was called, her home, and she found her childish heart eager to get there and see who was there for the taking. Butterflies floated in front of her, and she darted off after them growls and howls escaping her throat, emitting from her chest. Catching a particularly large butterfly in her jaws she slowed to a halt and lowered her head, resting her paw on one of it?s dainty wings she ripped at it a delightful song coming from her jaws.

?Butterflies? Butterflies? Hardly flies?.. Slowly dies.?
