
Fianna Dúr


05-14-2015, 08:50 PM

Akemi needed some time to think. Her son, Einarr, had finally spoken that it was time to learn about his true father. But at the time the small female had not been ready. No, had not bee willing to reveal to her son everything right then and there. There needed to be time to mentally prepare. For her reactions, for his... It was not going to be an easy discussion to say the least. Her son had her temper, his father’s size and strength... Despite the man being dead she wasn’t sure that Einarr would be able to hold it all back and so, with Tiny resting upon her head, the female would set her sights west.

The bit of snow was not exactly welcome, but the tiny female dealt with it. She would keep an eye on Tiny however, not wanting the poor little critter to freeze in the dropping temperatures. Goodness... It was so hard to believe he and her other babies were a year old already!

The sound of hooves would catch her attention, and gaze would trail to see the mule deer rushing off. Huh. Giving a small shrug she would let her gaze slide instead the critter chasing it. A... Pup? She would give a chuckle, seeing the little boy chasing after the creature that was outdistancing him. She would start towards the youngster, calling out across the distance. “I don’t think he’s gonna wait for you kid. Best leave him be!”

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno