
Peace of Mind



5 Years
05-14-2015, 09:18 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Very carefully Callisto adjusted the plants in the little nook at the base of a tree she was using as her temporary storage. It was far from ideal - it was not deep enough, nor was it big enough to replace everything she had lost in her move - but she was making do as best as she could. These were going to be her new living quarters for a time, this newly regrown forest, and since she had no idea where else to go she stubbornly wanted to make this place as comfortable for herself as she could. Which meant first and foremost making sure that her plant stores - or at least what remained of them - would continue to be safe until the time came when, or if, she moved again.

While she worked, her mind did too. It felt odd not having a pack's border surrounding her, even given as much time as she had been without one in recent months. She still felt at risk, particularly since she was alone and there was no one around who would jump to her defense if danger showed up calling her name, and in no way was she prepared for a repeat of last time. The evidence of that encounter was likely still up in the north, growing within the bowels of the unnatural metallic structure grounded and covered in snow and watched over by the white, beastly demon with purple eyes. She had been reminded of them recently, felt her guilt return and an idiotic notion to see if she could find those young wolves rise up to accompany it, but that was possibly the riskiest thing she could do. And yet there was still a part of her that wanted to try.

She tried to console herself with the fact this time was different. Maximous - of all wolves - had given her a particular plant to soothe her mind and prevent her from becoming pregnant again without her consent. It was a great burden lifted, and she took the remedy faithfully once a week, despite the demoted healer being right about it tasting horrible. For what it provided, it was well worth it. Or at least Callisto hoped. She had not gotten to talk to him directly about the plant to ask any of the questions that she had about it - her own fault for refusing to speak to him - and with a clear lack of knowledge about it she was unsure how well it could be trusted. There was still the fact Max would likely not have lied to her about it - her irritation with the cat over this fact had yet to fade - but things between them were different now and not at all like they had been when she had been his student and nothing more.

Suddenly tired of repeatedly shuffling around her plants without any placement of them feeling right to her, the black and grey wolf huffed and turned away from them, pacing a few steps before she stopped with a deep frown etched into her sharp features. The busy work and pointlessness of organizing them was no longer working to keep her occupied. Maybe she should go look for the cat and drag her forcefully along to find even more plants that she could not fit into her new little plant nook.