
Peace of Mind



5 Years
05-15-2015, 01:11 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The irritable, aggravated healer wolf made herself fall still, draw in a deep breath, and release it slowly, attempting in the only way she could remember to calm herself down. It did little to actually alleviate anything she felt - it was all there roiling just below the surface - but it did give her something else to focus her mind on, and for that Callisto tried it a few more times with more success during each repetition. There was no sense getting mad anyway; everything that bothered her was out of her control and there was nothing she could do to change it. Though really it was that fact alone which caused most of her strife.

Still restlessly, her gaze continued to dart around looking for the cat, feeling certain she must have been close since nothing ever seemed to make her go away for long. A noise that sounded like claws on bark caused her ears to perk and, expecting to see the little feline climbing somewhere, Callisto turned herself to look. What she saw was certainly not the cat.

Instantly, she tensed. It was not because she feared the wolf who stood upon the dead, downed tree - relative to his family, he seemed to be the timid one - nor did she distrust him outright. Despite being caught in the midst of her heat during their last meeting Jakart had conducted himself respectfully around her, offering her the space she required and not making things entirely awkward by saying anything that might have bothered her in some way. It was mainly because of what she felt. Natural desires warred with a deep rooted mistrust of the male species, and feeling both well up in her at once made her even more guarded and distrustful than usual.

Callisto was tempted to turn and walk, but pretending that she had not seen him or could not hear him calling after her would likely only end up with him following her, not leaving. But as she looked at him and felt what she did, she recalled her earlier thoughts. She was supposedly safe this season, guarded against pregnancy by the plant she had been using, and technically, if she wanted to, she should have been able to sleep with anyone to appease her heat and not have to worry about the repercussions. And here seemed to be a possible candidate to test that theory, someone she thought might be more compliant and controllable given her need for dominance in such a situation - having the control taken from her once was plenty more than enough.

Now how did she go about getting him interested? She had been putting so much energy into fighting her feelings that she did not know the first step in going with them. Having nothing to go off of, she was forced to awkwardly figure it out on her own, and with a growing hunger in her blue eyes the usual distant wolf stalked slowly closer. "Jakart," she called, her tone direct. She hoped the use of it would win him over considering she had forgotten it during their initial meeting.