
Ohana, Augustus, Ohana



06-11-2013, 07:22 PM

This couldn't possibly be her Octavian. Grey eyes searched the male, taking in his body. He was built like her brother, had some of her markings and even the eyes, but some of the colors mixed into his pelt definitely did not belong to Octavian.

She jumped when he spoke, biting her lip. He sounded like him too. A soft whine slipepd from her lips as she took another step towards him, tail hanging limp behind her. Um... excuse me miss but my name isn't Octavian, it's Augustus. But I've heard that name before. Mother told me about him. That's the name of my father whom I've only heard stories about. What he said caused her entire body to freeze, it even felt like her heart had skipped a beat. This boy... could Octavian really be his father? He had the looks, the voice, and Octavian was not a common name either.

Standing still as a statue the woman tried to think things through in her head, staring at the boy blankly. I-if you want me to leave I can go if I'm not supposed to be here. His voice broke her thoughts, tossing her back into reality. Grey eyes fall upon the boy who had begun to turn around, about to walk away. No! He can't leave! Not yet! STOP HIM! He rmind screamed, forcing her body to take a few steps forward.

No! Stop, please! She barked, bounding forward a few steps, coming to a stop just five feet from the boy. Her eyes held worry ad curiousity, distress mixed in there. She needed to know, needed an answer. Who... who is your mother? She asked him. She was not sure what she would do if he told her his mothers name was Hureia, had no idea what would happen from this moment on. If he ended up really being the son of Octavian and his old lover Hureia, then where was his mother? Did she abandon him, died, just gave up on the boy because his father had left?

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3