
Ohana, Augustus, Ohana


06-11-2013, 07:38 PM
The boy's white gaze watched as the dame seemed to go aloof. It was as though the cold of the winter had froze her body so that she could not move. Black ears still laid back against the male's head as he looked at her. She was frightening him; though Augustus shouldn't be such a woos. As soon as the boy's last words escaped his maw she objected and leaped forward asking him who his mother was. Why all the shock? Why all the urgency? What had he done?

The yearling looked around him as the snow fell. The two wolves stood still as time went by. The time wet by as they stood he shook his head he went to answer. Wondering where the thoughts if time came from the boy then shook that off as well and opened his maw to emit words.

"M-my mother? Why would you want to know? But I guess there's no sense in denying you the knowledge. Hureia Tsarev was or is her name. I do not know of where she is. I woke up to an empty an empty den and her scent was stale. But before that...before that...she loved me. But then, then I grew sick. I couldn't move and couldn't open my eyes...couldn't speak...."He said as tears started to brim his white eyes.

"I do not know if I have anymore family left that cares about me let alone love me. I've never met my father, my mother left me. And all this time she's told stories of how great everything was before she had me. Before some battle. When she was happy with her parents and brother. Mother said my father caught her heart. But then he tricked her, he had her killed. But other times she said everything was her fault!" he said as his voice grew louder and louder.

The tears started streaming down his face as the young brute curled himself into a ball in the snow. He then sneezed as his nose was tickled by one of the tufts of puppy fur. Perhaps this dame would see his fur and make fun of him like other wolves had. Their coats were so sleek and all grown in. While Augustus had his adult hair with this annoying puppy fur. Or maybe she would see that he was different...maybe even understand.