
stuff and thangs



6 Years
Extra large
05-15-2015, 05:21 PM

The brute, normally Conservative, and slow, careful and steady was far from being his normal self. Maybe at blow to his head a while back had rattled more then he realized, or perhaps his newly appointed position as Anais's partner had unhinged him, because if he had been in his right mind he also would have realized what he picked was not elderberries, and his attempts to see to his own injuries where pointless – his family would notice it no matter what. More then that, had he been himself he would have heard the sound of paw steps on grass, feel the air for the sense that there was another out there, instead, the friendly giant was taken fully by surprise as a she-wolf leaped from the forest and shoved the berries from his paw. He shot to his paws, his teeth and body already forming an aggressive stance before he took note of the creature that had startled him, and he pulled himself together before he could lunge at her.

The wolf before him was just as quick to back pedal, raised hackles would fall and ears would righten as she backed up a few steps and apologized to him. He allowed himself to take a breath, and study the girl before him before he spoke. “I'm sorry.. you startled me, not elderberries you say? You sound like you know what your talking about. I seem to have gotten myself into a bit of a mess, could I impose upon you to give me a hand? I'll happily catch you a meal in return” he offered, getting his head out of the stars to deal with the situation, and move his body so she could see the gash on his shoulder.