
Peace of Mind



5 Years
05-15-2015, 05:38 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The ground between them was covered fairly quickly with both of them moving to meet each other half way. Callisto could not take her eyes away from him and was still trying to come to terms with what she was doing. Was she really going to do this? Test out the plant that Maximous had given her to see whether it would work? And if it failed? It was entirely risky, chancing the very thing that she wished most to avoid, but she wanted to be sure under circumstances that she herself had chosen and approved of. Maybe…maybe if things went wrong she would be able to find something nearby that would get rid of any complications afterward. But only if things went wrong.

Jak asked in a sort of roundabout way what it was she was doing there, even bringing up her pack. Or what used to be her pack. That was right; he likely knew nothing of Ebony changing hands, of it becoming Yfir, of what it had done to the pack’s dynamics and stability. But it was not important, not at this moment, and she saw no reason to deviate from her plan just to explain to him everything that had happened. At least saying his name had brought about the desired reaction, and his laughter sounded promising. The healer was struck again by how odd it was to actually have someone greet her cheerfully who was not Max, and who seemed happy to be around her. It made her feel a bit more comfortable with her choice to approach him.

He stopped to sit, but the grey-legged wolf only slowed, stopping only once she had clearly invaded his space and was more than close enough to touch him. She paused there, her muzzle even with his and her eyes capable of seeing with more definition the contours of his face, and with her pulse quickening slightly Calli debated what to do. Not even instinct could guide her when she still warred with herself, and in a moment of frustration she lashed out. She growled, mixing dominance and aggression with desire in the sound, as she bit against his neck, gathering flesh between her teeth, and had to stop herself from drawing blood. Surely that would put an end to everything before anything could truly begin.

Carefully Callisto eased her jaws open, and quieting the growl within her throat into a warning purr she nipped against his neck, trying to be gentle and stir something up within him that would answer what she was already feeling beneath the tension. Her body felt rigid, ready to defend herself if need be though she had no training other than what Jakart himself had tried to teach her a year prior. She moved her nips to pinch the fur of his shoulder between her teeth as she stepped in to press against him, hoping he would be smart enough to quickly catch up with her and what she was, hopefully, hinting at. It would have been entirely her luck for everything she was doing to be clearly off the mark and for Jak to only be confused by her instead.