
Fading Hope



1 Year
05-15-2015, 06:56 PM

The lady smiled and chuckled at Anaeia, she would take this as a good sign, that her mother would be fine with her going with Haweeta until she came back. Slowly her tail would begin to wag, something that hasn't happened in some time now since her separation. It thumped gently against the ground, mismatched eyes looking up to the woman with a new found hope. She would be taken care of again, the pup would not be cold at night and wouldn't have to always be hiding from mean wolves and bad animals.

Haweeta spoke now, the girl's floppy ears perking up to catch what she was saying. She thought that the girl's mother would be okay with her taking the child if it meant her life was in jeopardy. Anaeia's head tilted at this, her vocabulary not that extended just yet so her little brain would attempt to translate into something she could understand. The only thing she was able to come up with though was that it meant she needed a teacher a little longer, she couldn't be on her own just yet. To add onto this Haweeta didn't think the girl would last any longer on her own without proper care. Ears pinned back against the child's head, not liking the sound of that and actually scared her a little bit.

Still the kind woman continued, telling the girl she understood if she didn't wish to go with her but that she needed to eat and that rabbit wouldn't help her for long. Think about what her mother wanted. Anaeia was silent now, her dark eyes looking to her paws now in thought. She really wanted to stay here and wait for her momma to come back but at the same time she was so hungry and her body hurt all over, this lady was nice enough to come along and feed her and was now offering to take care of her for a little bit... “I... She will want me to go with you.” She finally spoke up softly, looking up to the woman. “I will be safe with Haweeta. Momma always wants me to be safe.” Nodding her head the girl added on further confirmation, wondering if it was enough for the lady to accept and take her back home.