
I had a way then losing it all on my own



2 Years
05-15-2015, 06:59 PM

Squirrel made sure to keep his large bronze eyes locked on the female wolf as he moved, each step, not wanting to miss a single move that may potentially cause him any form of danger. Thankfully she allowed him to move by but it seemed that as soon as he got past her the wolf was following right behind. Why was she following? Did she want something from him? The boy quickly whipped his entire body around now, paws moving surprisingly fast it would seem. He wouldn't allow her to get the best of him, slowly taking a few steps back and to the side towards the calmer end of the pool of water. The young wolf wanted to continue his exploration but would keep most of his attention of the woman.

With ears perked forward the boy wouldn't catch what the girl said to herself, not that he really cared to hear. He did hear when she asked if he was exploring though, his eyes narrowing slightly. A thought would cross his mind then, one that brought a new wave of concern, wondering how she knew that. Was she a mind reader? He had to worry about mind readers now?! Squirrel, wanting to confirm this, quickly closed his eyes and started to think of something else, trying to come up with different things to confuse the wolf. Food, a big yummy deer. Bunny, small and plump. Vole, tiny and stringy. Finally after a few moments of just standing there with his head head low and eyes closed he reopened them, an expression crossing his features like that of 'ha, now read my mind girl!' in satisfaction.