
There's more to find



6 Years

05-16-2015, 01:49 AM
She had left home so long ago. Traveling was routine to her, and her paws ached for it more than they ached for rest. She had never stayed in one place for very long, preferring to be on the move constantly, so long as she'd eaten enough and she wasn't marching through a thunderstorm. She'd been trying, unsuccessfully, to track a long lost friend, her childhood friend Ajax. She had left behind everything familiar to try to find him, to seek a fresh purpose in life, but she hadn't found him or anyone else. So what was she really looking for? Even if she found him, what would happen then? What if she never found him? Then what would she seek? She had no idea what she strived for, if not her friend; however, she knew she couldn't seek him out forever. Life would go on. Though her paws were on the move, her mind struggled, unsure of what she was doing.

After so many moons alone, she had finally made a friend in these lands. She hadn't thought of settling before, but now she couldn't imagine leaving behind a new friend... for what? An uncertain future? What if she moved on and never found something meaningful? It hadn't bothered her before, but now she felt unsure. She had never felt so distressed over the choices she had to make. What was she supposed to do? Her paws froze to the ground as she came upon the great spires of ice that reached toward the sky, the wind buffeting her obsidian pelt. Though the sight was something incredible to behold, she found herself distracted for only a moment, emerald gaze cast to the unending white of the landscape. Her mind quickly raced back to her current dilemma. She refused to stay locked in one place, but she knew she would roam the Northern territory until she circled back to where she'd met her friend. She would probably stay. She simply couldn't leave it behind. But, perhaps by the time she had made her way back, things would be different and she wouldn't feel so conflicted.

Grumbling to herself, she slumped to the ground, pressing her snout into the frozen ground and burying her eyes under her paws as the wind blew a light flurry of snow around her lonely jet black frame. Having no place in particular to be, she wondered what she would find here, if anything. So far, it looked barren, and she felt like the only living soul around.