
Peace of Mind



5 Years
05-16-2015, 12:34 PM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2015, 07:00 PM by Jakart.)
Jakart let out a sigh as he curled his tail around his haunches. Their paths had crossed again, Callisto a fair distance from Ebony to be hunting for game or herbs. Nothing but moss covered logs as far as be cared. Callisto still came at him, far closer than there previous meeting, his smile lessening just as she growled. The lunge took him completely off guard, and her jaws closed around his neck. A anxious heartbeat as nothing happened, waiting for the tearing of his throat, the out-pour of blood to drench the moss underfoot.

And just as quickly she relaxed her grip, Jakart able to start breathing again, ear unpinning from his skull as she let out a purr and nipped the fur of his neck. Callisto place another nip on his clavicle, his shoulder, Jakart snapping out of the daze her actions had put him in, feeling her chest brush against his. That sound of raw desire when she had first bit him echoed in his head. It all came together. Callisto's heat was now driving her, body in desperate need of a male. And it gave him pause as he thought of the next step, arguably the biggest step in a wolf's life, the nerves starting to go away as his mindset focused on what she was wanting from him.

A growl of his own rumbled forth, neck stretching to kiss the side of her jaw. Return her motions before it all came together. Waiting and wanted to feel his paws around her hips. His ears pinned back, head ducking as he kissed the side of Callisto's neck, embracing the closeness of her body. Another rumble left the grey male as he stopped beside her tail, a kiss placed on the inside of her ankle. A nervous breath left him as he turned as brushed the tip of her tail to move it out of the way. In one smooth motion he brought himself upon Callisto's back, paws firmly gripping the crook between her hips. Everything ready. Everything right. And he stepped off to her side, leg drawing over her back as he stood beside her. A whine left him as his mismatched eyes stared back at Callisto. Did she really want this?