
Peace of Mind



5 Years
05-16-2015, 04:16 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She must have caught him off guard to begin with. There was no immediate response but after a moment she heard a growl answer the one that she continued to voice, and as if competing with him her own grew a little louder, wanting to best him in any way she knew how. Giving ground was still an issue with her, though it was eventually going to be necessary to do what it was that she was asking. Callisto had yet to come to terms with it, and even as he reached around to kiss her jaw her ears shifted back in a sign of her disapproval. But at least it was progress, action from him when before there had been none, so she let it slide rather than try to shut down his own physical advances.  

Her nips stopped as Jak placed another kiss against her neck, and she could not quite stop herself from wrinkling her nose. Though she tolerated it, she questioned why he bothered to do it. She was not asking him to be sweet to her, nor did she want affection. That was all tied into a realm of emotional attachment she was unsure she would ever be able to enter into, and there seemed no sense in leading him to believe she wanted anything more than what she was suggesting. The last thing she wanted was another male professing his love for her; detachment suited her better.

As he rose to his paws and moved, traveling along her side, Calli's breath quickened. Her body tensed even further as she turned her head to watch him stop behind her, and unbidden her back leg lifted out of his reach when he kissed her ankle only to be set back down quickly, another growl of warning accompanying it. Was this some new and different means of toying with her? Why did he find it necessary to drag things out? She was finding herself more and more frustrated by the second, and the feel of his paws as they reached for her hips, trying to secure a grip, almost did her in.

It was not Jakart's legs that she felt snaking around her hips, but someone else's, a demon's. Memories that had long been suppressed, banished from thought to keep the nightmares at bay, returned as if they had never been gone, and half expecting teeth to latch onto her scruff at any second, sealing a fate that she would not approve of, Callisto reacted. Before he could secure his grip and take away any sense of control she had, she turned, twisted, and broke free of his loose hold. An angry, feral snarl drew back her teeth to reveal her fangs, threatening him as convincingly as she could as she swung her hips out of his way and bristled at him. But was that not what she had wanted? Was that not what she was asking? Conflicted, she growled again, half directed at Jak but half directed at herself. They were not going to get anywhere if she kept reacting like this.