
just let go


06-11-2013, 07:58 PM

They'd only been walking for about five minutes or so, but at the rate that they were going, she was sure it felt like an eternity to him. It sure felt like that to her. She wasn't used to going this slow, but she'd offered her help so she wasn't about to start complaining now. She wasn't too sure how much the pain was affecting the boy beside her, given that he wasn't really providing any outward reactions to it other than cradling his paw against him, but that wasn't saying much. There wasn't a grimace or a hiss of a breath or even quiet cursing. Maybe he had more experience with pain than she knew.

Moments after having given him her name she could hear it repeated back to her in his quiet, sultry tones. Alessa. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Alessa turned to face him, his ruby gems on her as he presented her with a wink. Really? She could've rolled her eyes. Of all things, he was trying to flirt with her? The cream peachy wolf wasn't convinced one bit by his words. For all she knew that could be the pick-up line he used on anything remotely female looking. Ontop of that, she wasn't interested in any kind of flirting or really in anything that had to do with forming any type of bond with anyone. The light pelted she-wolf turned away from the boy at her side, refocusing her mismatched eyes on the path ahead of them. Let's get you to the stream before the pain really sets in Killian.

She didn't make any kind of remarks about his name or his physical appearance, choosing instead help him the last couple of feet to the water. But it seemed Killian had other ideas as he leaned away from her, limping the rest of the way. He settled himself at the bank of the stream, allowing his injured paw to gingerly breach the water's chill surface. Alessa took a moment to shake herself, chasing away the numbness that had begun to invade her shoulder before she padded over to the cool stream, peachy muzzle lowering as her salmon tongue snaked out to lap at the chilled water. It slid easily down her throat, easing the drying that had begun to take over. She drank a few more gulps before lifting her head, droplets of water clinging her to her chin as she let her gaze fall back on Killian, simply observing him.

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