
--sign in blood--



06-11-2013, 08:02 PM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2013, 08:04 PM by Chrysanthe.)
She had come here for a discussion? Chrysanthe was unsure as to why someone didn't from the orange dame's pack didn't come and get her, but she was honored and somewhat worried that she had come all the way to Valhalla in this state. She would watch her carefully, still worried about her health - but she would listen carefully to what she had to say. The young woman nodded when she questioned her name, a motion for her to continue as well. Things were changing in Alacritia, packs that had never seen eye to eye were learning to step into one another's shoes, and packs that hadn't existed before were slowly becoming stronger. Ludicael was one of those packs, it seemed.

"Yes, Seracia is our ally." With she and Epiphron on the throne and their alliance binded through marriage, they would remain close for hopefully what would be generations to come. "Bound through marriage, they are our sister pack." She explained, and if the other showed interested she could go into further detail. But she didn't want to interrupt too much, it seemed that Jupiter had something important to say. It sounded like the beginning of a possible relationship between their packs, and honestly Chrysanthe liked the sound of that. "You sound like you know them too? A friend to our allies can quite easily become the same to us as well." She trusted Gerdhart's judgement, and the judgement of Seracia as a whole.