
A bitter sweet goodbye


06-11-2013, 08:04 PM

Her gaze settling on the ebony brute, he seemed to be intently studying her, as though he was trying to figure something out. Brushing away the thought, she rather not think about the possibilities of what he was trying to figure out, she returned her attention to the waters, unsurprised by his smartass comment. She felt him move past her, watching his body break the stillness of the warm lakes. He was too tall for this particular pool of water, it barely lapped at his shoulders. His muscles visibly relaxed, a sigh slipping from his jaws as the warmth seeped into his muscles. Oh how she would love to relish in the warmth of the pool again, submerging her entire body in it. His words shook her from her revere. Something had changed. His words became softer, loosing their creepy cackle and harsh tones. He could almost be called earnest. Any shock that remained on her face was quickly covered up, taking on a suspicious look. While he appeared relaxed, and simply wanted her to join him, she wasn't sure he could be trusted.

Going against her better judgement she rose slowly. Forelimbs slowly disappeared beneath the waters surface, followed by the rest of her body. It was one of the large pools of water, but standing beside the giant of a man, it seemed cramped. But it could have just been that she despised him with every ounce of her being. Yet here she was, casually taking a soak in the newly found pools with him. Something was wrong here. There were so many things she should be doing. He killed her child after all. The memory brought a frown to her face. She had been to delirious to actually fully comprehend it but it still stung.

She allowed the tension to roll off her, muscles loosening. She stayed in the shallows, where the water lapped at her shoulders, but Kaios was still no further than a few feet from her. She was silent for the moment, waiting for this somewhat pleasant Kaios to come to end and for her to return to hating his guts and wanting to rip his throat out. The thought was tempting, pulling her gaze down to his throat, but she wasn't going to be the one to ruin a moment of peace. That is why she came here after all, to get a little peace and quiet and relax before returning home to the pack and resuming her duties as she did everyday.

"Talk here."