
Nearer than heaven


05-17-2015, 03:09 PM
Allen would give a small nod as she confirmed what he asked. It felt nice, sharing the responsibility like this along with Bass. He would glance to his friend, a smile on his face. It was unique how two wolves of different blood could rule together for the benefit of the pack. But that was the beauty of Abaven, working together for the benefit of them all. Gaze would once more steal across the female, his tail giving a slow wag back and forth. These days, he thought, were the best days of his life.

The thought of Bass and Starling sharing lessons was cute, though he knew there was only so much the white man would know of healing. It was not an area of expertise... But perhaps Irelyn could ease the thirst for knowledge the boy had. “Personally I think that sounds wonderful, Irelyn, and, if Bass has no objects, I’d like to officially welcome you to Abaven as a Kruni, or healer.” He’d cast another look at Bass, not suspecting that the other man would have anything to say against the female joining but... It never hurt to make sure.