
Ever Faithfully



4 Years
05-17-2015, 04:26 PM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2015, 04:27 PM by Nona.)

Nona had finally came home again and surely she worried her mate once more. She had to have her time to grieve and have time to herself to reflect over things that were happening. Not once did she really shed a tear during the storm and after it during Abaven's recovery from it. This was a justified time for her to be alone but now she wanted to be with her mate and redouble her efforts as Vor of Abaven. Later Nona thought about talking to Bass about what was going on with her but first she had to make it up to Allen the one true light in her life. The dark brown fae trotted to her den only to catch the scent of him within as she slowly stuck her head through the entryway. There was a gentle smile that formed across her maw when the fae seen him laying there as she moved swiftly inside and pressed her head against his. Only a momentary pause was there when the words flowed from her maw, "Anata ga totemo koishikattadesu, Allen".

She didn't have any more words to say but move to his side and lay down next to him. Nona wanted to have this peace with him once more as she felt she could move forward instead of one step forward and two steps back. After all he was her pillar of strength and comfort. Surely she would tell him why she was gone again soon but for now all she wanted was to be with him again to be a little selfish once more and not attend her duties for a short time. Gently Nona did her best to press her nose against Allen's neck and lay still there with him. Nona let out one last soft whisper escape her lips, "I'm not going away again... not again".
