
Walker Adoptables!



1 Year
05-17-2015, 04:40 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2015, 07:26 AM by Savage.)
[Image: polyxunknown1_by_limnoh-d8t641q.png]

Username: Trinket
Name: Tajima Walker
Adopt: 6
  • Secretive - Tajima prefers to keep her ideals secret until its the right time to reveal her plans, but very few may ever have all the pieces of the puzzle. And when she knows something that might humiliate others the best form of blackmail is to keep it to herself and over the head of her prey.
  • Inflexible - When it comes to her own beliefs no one is capable of changing them. Therefore any arguments with her may leave one feeling great rage and/or frustration. One simply cannot talk to her nor try to change her opinions, outlooks or if she were on say a jury what she decided the very moment she heard of the case. Doesn't even matter if someone she thought guilty was found innocent, or vice versa.
  • Ego-centric and Narcissistic - She believes herself and her family to be the very best the world has to offer. Anyone else is but a peasant. Unworthy of her regard. Only useful for reproduction though she'd find it difficult to think of anyone worthy enough and thus would prefer her family to mate with cousins, or even closer to keep the bloodlines pure. She sees herself as beautiful and that all should bow in awe and adoration at her very presence.
  • Punctual - She believes it the height of rudeness to be late and while she might enjoy a grand entrance herself, she does not tarry. What if one were to miss something important? Not to mention others may have things to do, even if it is to stare at her with drooling admiration.
  • Ambitious - Tajima has designs on building a kingdom of her own if her family cannot see reasons. If not that, then she is desirous of a high position within whatever pack she might join. However through eugenics, if a family member of hers could be found to help her she would begin the creation of the superior wolf a breed with mostly, if not entirely Walker bloodlines.
  • Socially Adroit - Tajima can be adroit in social situations by using flattery and other means to achieve the ends in her favor in any given situation. Or so she tries.
  • Cruel - Tajima enjoys being cruel. It doesn't matter to whom, though from time to time she may show mercy and perhaps her own version of love and kindness to close family members. But she is rather sadistic and when others are in pain she can't help but laugh, sometimes manically while trying to inflict more whether emotional or physical. Even puppies may know her cruelty though it may be tempered down for she realizes just how frail they are.
  • Adventurous - Tajima enjoys discovering things, learning things, doing as she pleases. And adventures lead to discovering and learning all manner of things - not to mention possibly finding herself minions or better yet a slave or more.
  • Charismatic - When she wants to be she can put on the charm. Although she finds it best to always know others strengths and weaknesses and then use her charm to lure them into her honey trap. After all if one can groom others and get them to trust her first she believes it much more likely to be an easy thing to get them to follow her and her beliefs.
  • Amoral - She doesn't see anything as being right or wrong. Well, unless its not going her way, but then that means she'll use any means possible to obtain the desired end to achieving a goal of her own.
  • Idiosyncratic - Tajima is an odd duck, perhaps because of her outlook on life. No one could possibly be more lovely than she although anyone of the Walker lineage comes quite close. Not to mention her belief that the Walker lineage should be kept pure without anymore creatures with non walker blood mixing in unless they've passed some rigorous tasks set by herself or those of her family who are likeminded as herself in regards to pureblooded. If there weren't a need for minions, for slaves, she'd even consider genocide of all those non Walkers. Alas, she knows their is a need for them, but still considers that they're lower class than she and her family by blood.
  • Evil and Devious - With her other traits combined, it becomes evident that Tajima may be the very epitome of evil, or at least very misguided in her notions. After all pureblood supremacy and wishing to wipe out or use all others not related as slaves or minions does put her into a category of evil, particularly as she would use whatever means was at her disposal to achieve her goals. And while she has some loyalty to her family lineage at least on that of the Walker side of it if they're unable to see eye-to-eye they'd be better off dead or if not that, she'd perhaps find ways to kidnap any young they might have in order to raise them herself so that they too could work towards a world, a society where all Walkers rule the world.
Sex and Gender: Biologically female, two spirited
Why do you want this character?: Because I like delving into characters with family relations with whom they can interact. I also like the colors/design.
Plot idea's: I believe there are many possibilities within her personality profile already. Regarding potential incestuous relationships due to her belief in pureblood supremacy. Furthermore even going so far as to steal the pups of family members should their views prove not to be that of her own. To find minions/slaves to infiltrate and take over or start a new pack. No doubt she'd want to be the one pairing her family members up with suitable mates.
Roleplay Sample:

Never had the she-wolf found any previous evening droll. Tonight she found it difficult not to part her jowls wide and yawn. She had no desire to appear rude to her hosts even if they were far beneath her as removed as they were from the bloodline from which she herself descended. Why she'd accepted their invitation was no ones business but her own.

Bi-colored eyes settled upon first one wolf and another at the gathering. There looked none to be worthy of her company which only proved an unbefitting end to a rather uneventful day for the light colored Walker princess. Showing herself here would not gain her the title of Queen or whatever the equivalent title might be. Still, it was perhaps a good political move on her part to show up and make others believe she actually cared about their welfare. As if!

Tajima schooled her features so that rather than appearing bored out of her mind, or like she were about to cull the herd, she looked pleased to be there and searching out familiar faces. Some might have been known to her, but friendships weren't the sort of relationships she was after. It was only her schemes that rattled around inside her head as she sought potential minions. Victims to her strategy of creating friendships by getting others to trust her even if she'd never truly see any of them as friends. No, they'd all be dispensable, but she'd need as many pawns as possible in order to win.

This congregation she attended might lend itself to her learning more of others, perhaps even gain blackmail material to use against those less likely to follow her, or trust her so that one day the Walker Dynasty would rise. A smile crossed her countenance, but then one was supposed to smile at these gatherings, as she thought it possible to be done in her lifetime. And if not, surely she'd make way for future generations of Walkers. Eventually she'd have little ones of her own that could take over from her when the sun set on her time.

When she saw someone who was actually worthy of her regard, she dipped her head to those surrounding her as she excused herself and made her way toward them. It was always so much better when there was someone there worthy talking to without the need for putting on the charm and façade that she actually cared! For it was only Walkers of her blood she cared for in truth and very few, if any others.

"My dear, what has brought you to this event?" She drawled out, interested in their answer. It would be wondrous to have an ally whilst among the rabble. Someone who believed as she did in their family and their supremacy.