
stuff and thangs



6 Years
Extra large
05-17-2015, 06:09 PM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2015, 06:55 PM by Glacier.)

Rhythm was a bit of a wild card - he knew nothing about her other then her name, her abilities as a healer and a fearless nature. He assumed she must have some fighting skills under her belt if she could so easily jump on a titan with his size and unknown to her abilities - through perhaps it could be said that he had looked simple minded with his actions earlier. Either way she had quickly earned glaciers respect - a being who generally didn't decide anything hastily. His admiration might have even reached further if he wasn't so hopelessly and completely besotted with the sweetest gentlest creature he had ever met.

He would laugh warmly at her quick fix on the small cut, no poultice was even necessary it would seem, and the bleeding was easily stopped and the fur around it looked as good as new. No wonder he had hardly felt the wound, and it would seem he would not need to frighten his family with his newly clumsy antics. "It seems you've made good on your deal miss rhythm, and you have my thanks. Now I believe its my turn. Ill leave it up to you if you want to watch what could turn either way - to an amusing show or a game of patience, or to wait here so I can return as quickly as able with your promised gift" he spoke in a matter if fact tone, but winked at her when he was finished his speech.
