
New friends in the making


05-17-2015, 06:27 PM

Akemi was about to give a nod when he spoke of her past. Yes, it had been a lot, and truly it had an effect on her, but it made her stronger because of it. It was his next words that would catch her off guard, however, and the female would advert her gaze. ‘W-what? Beautiful? Me?’ The compliment was something rather odd. Who would find a fae scarred as she beautiful? But it was as Ravine said... She held her own sort of beauty... And beauty was far more than skin deep.

“T-thank you Ravine. No one has ever said that to me before.” The female would admit. Not even before she was scarred had she heard such words. She would lift her gaze back to him, tipping her head in thanks. “I like to believe that our scars make us stronger. They are part of who were are... A sign of what we overcame. It is hard... But we can make more out of life than what we were given.” Akemi would shuffle for a moment on her paws.

“Are you busy, Ravine? Perhaps you might like to... Take a walk with me?”

Table by:: Tealah