
stuff and thangs



6 Years
Extra large
05-17-2015, 07:43 PM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2015, 07:51 PM by Glacier.)

He would give Rhythm the opportunity to watch what might well end up an epic failure (he had caught some types of birds before, but Ducks would be a new one to him – his previous victims had been land birds for one, and water and Glacier hadn't always mixed well, he was a heavy brute and it took a lot of effort to hold his bulk above water for any length of time. “Fantastic, I love a captive audience to my epic failures” he teased, and when she told him to lead the way he would  flick his head up in a salute “Aye, milady” he agreed. He knew he was being a bit of a goof but it felt good to get away from responsibilities and relax for a little while – beside's he was still high on the joy of admitting his feelings to Anais

Taking the lead he headed North where he knew a stream could be found, in the hops some ducks might be hanging out by the water. Making his way there took no time at all, and he easily lapsed into silence, taking care to pay attention to his surroundings and listening to the world around him. He would immediately see no sign of ducks in the immediate water, and keeping to the trees would follow the stream east. He heard the soft splashing before he saw them, a pair lazily fishing in the gently moving current of the stream. He crouched low to the grass and moving slowly on his belly edged towards the water. Aside from the whisper of the grass beneath him their was little sound in his approach, and he kept his head down and his tail hanging behind him. The ducks where relatively close to the side, and their course would soon bring them past him. He put himself into position and waited, waited until they where about to slip past, before lunging from his hiding place with a powerful boost of his back legs, and he would splash heavily into the water right above where the ducks where drifting. They would both scream with a flap of wings and Rhythm might see that one definitely got away, taking immediately to the sky. Glacier however sunk like a rock and vanished from sight for a moment.

After a short pause he would surge to the surface and throw himself onto the bank, shaking his fur out roughly but grinning ear to ear, tail wagging behind him as his prize became visible to any on the shore, hanging limp from his jaws. He pulled himself fully onto land and placed the prey on the grass, waiting for Rhy.
