
Welcome to the Family

Absinthe 1

05-17-2015, 09:45 PM
ooc. Figured I should try and jumpstart this again? Short and sweet, because Abby is suddenly very shy.

when rome's in ruins, we are the lions, free of the colosseum

They would walk on in relative silence, with the occasional bump of her shoulder against his leg. She was nervous, because these were going to be her new mommies. She wanted them to like her, and even though Bacc said they would, she wasn't sure. Her legs were going to get tired soon, too, and she hoped they weren't going much farther. As they neared the den, she knew almost instantly. Bacc's expression shifted a little, just enough that she noticed it instantly. It was quickly followed by the scent of many other wolves, which quickened her heart rate a little. How many others were here? Her gaze sought out the large form of a steel pelted woman, resting casually outside of her den. There was another lady with her, but it was the big woman who addressed them first. She posed a quiet query to Bacc, asking him who she was. Before she could make an idiot of herself by blabbering on and on about herself, her friend stepped forward and explained it all. Succinctly and softly, the important bits were laid out for the women. A soft hum of affirmation would trickle from her own maw, head bobbing cautiously as she watched on. Should she say something? Frowning, the lavender babe decided it was probably best to wait and see what the older wolves said.

in poison places, we are anti-venom


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!