
Ohana, Augustus, Ohana



06-11-2013, 08:35 PM

She wasn't properly thinking, didn't consider the fact that she might be frightening the young wolf. Loccian just needed answers, needed to put some thoughts at ease, try to get the answers she needed before she could try to calm down. Ears up, ready, eyes wide in disbelief and body starting to slightly tremble.

And then he spoke, speaking the name of his mother, the name she was hoping was but also wasn't the one her brother had fallen for in their old life. Hur... Hureia Tsarev... She whispered, her body going still once again as this processed in her head. This boy, his mother was Hureia, the sister of Thane whom Loccian and her brother became decently friends with. Hureia, the old lover of her brother who had been "killed" back in their old pack, sparking war between her pack and Thane's, wiping out his entire family. What had made it more of a surprise, she had told this boy about his father...

The boys voice broke her thoughts, snapping back to reality. She quickly shook her head, grey orbs focusing on the boy who had begun to tear up as he spoke. Her jaw dropped, taking a step back as he explained things. Hureia, she filled the boy's head with lies. Octavian had loved her, he did not trick her. Their father found out about their meetings, dragged him along, forced him to watch them slice her open. His family had betrayed him, and Octavian was too noble a wolf to turn his back on somebody, to trick them in such a way.

The boy had curled up into a ball in the snow now, tears streaming his cheeks, sneezing. All she could do was soften her gaze on the boy, coming to realize this was family. He was in fact Octavian's son, the markings and eyes gave that away, along with what he had told her. She believed him, why would somebody come up with such a story? There was no reason, they would get nothing from it.

You do have family left... She spoke gently, brows coming together, eyes watering as she took a step towards him. You say your father is Octavian... he, he is my brother. And that makes you my nephew. It was strange to hear herself say such a thing. Loccian never dreamed or even thought about being an aunt, it just never popped into her head.

She closed her eyes, taking in a long deep breath, held it for a few moments then finally exhaled. Slowly she reopened her eyes, having grown a gentleness, her body calming down as she moved closer, lowering her head to lick away a few tears from the boy's face. I will care for you and love you, because we are family, and family should stick together. She smiled at the boy, having fully collected herself now. I am Loccian, your auntie.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3