
I can't do this on my own


06-11-2013, 08:35 PM

The howl that summoned her to the boarders came when Ocena had left her youngsters in the care of the two other mothers who had brought children into the world inside Glaciem's borders. Keki and Crusade could look after her darlings for a short while, during which Ocena would stretch her legs, maybe go for a run. She adored her children, but sometimes getting out of the cave was nice. They were getting old enough that they were beginning to explore Glaciem's territory, meaning that Ocena figured they'd be okay in the care of Keki and Crusade for a while.

She had been padding through Glaciem's territory, no particular destination in mind, simply enjoying the comfort of exploring her own home for once, when a piping howl echoed over the horizon. It sounded young, almost, leading Ocena to twitch her ears in amusement as she padded off in search of the source. As she moved, however, a stronger, familiar sounding howl took up the cry, again calling for a higher ranked wolf to come to the borders. Ocena picked up her pace, beginning to lope across the ground.

It didn't take her too long to locate it. Perhaps it was good that her wanderings had carried her near to the edge of Glaciem's territory. There were clear hints of confidence in her strides, which were no longer as hesitant as they had once been. Gargoyle had truly done wonders for the half-blind female, who no longer thought of herself as less than whole because of her eye, especially now that her children showed no signs of having ended up like her.

Coming to a stop daintily before a familiar golden colored wolf, Ocena felt a smile spreading across her features. "Sperare! Oxia!" An enthusiastic greeting escaped the female as she gazed at her pack's beta and one of its sheltered members. She had never been very close to Oxia, but she appreciated everything that he had done for the pack and for Gargoyle, helping in ways that she could not. And Sperare? Well, she liked the female. She had passion. "What brings you three . . . four? To the border today?" As her gaze came to rest upon the wolf that had summoned her in the first place, Ocena started slightly, recovering as best as she could as she eyed the russet pup, wondering if the pup would speak for herself or if Sperare (her mother, perhaps? or perhaps Oxia was the father? Or maybe this was just a random pup they had found?) would speak for the youngster.
