
Fish Are Friends Not Food....Wait....



2 Years
Dire wolf
05-18-2015, 11:26 AM

Tall grasses ruptured with the large feline, paws outstretched with claws unsheathed. Mlezi was ready to make the kill, tongue sliding across her fangs as she remained hanging in the air. Green eyes narrowed when she had leapt, wanting to protect her sensitive eyes from any grass and the suns rays, but she was able to catch a glimpse of the animal. Before she knew it the canine-like creature was gone, a claw being snagged on its fur as it just swept beneath her at the last second. Duh dun! Paws slammed against the ground with the land, but she would not waste a moment longer, knowing every second counted with catch your meal before it got too far away, her speed dissipating.

Paw reached over the other, body bending as she tried to whip around in the direction her prey had gone. With that she gave a hard push with her powerful hind-legs, propelling the lioness forward and back into the tall dry grasses. She kept her eyes focused on the path ahead, able to keep just a hint of the animal's pelt within her sight from the bending grass. Even if it was small and she was quite larger it appeared the animal had quite some speed on it, reminding her of a gazelle back home. Faster, faster. Muscles were working hard to keep her speed up, trying to extend the time before they had to slow her down.

Something happened however that left the woman baffled briefly, the animal's pelt disappeared from ahead of her and she could no longer hear the heavy rustling of the grasses as it ran for its very life. Where did it go? A deep and annoyed growl spewed from her clenched fangs as she had to slow herself down, her pace coming to a quick walk, sides rising and falling to catch her breath. She pushed the grass away, head turning left and right, sweeping through to try and find any sign of the animal in case it had found a spot to hide. Every few moments she would growl, both in frustration and in an attempt to possible frighten the creature out of wherever it was hiding. 'Come on you little bugger.' She grumbled to herself.

That was when she found it. Mlezi's paw-steps came to a stop, head lowering to the ground to inspect was looked to be the paw-prints of a canine, fresh. Inky lips pulled back in a toothy grin, her gaze turning to scan the earth around her, able to see a bit better once she was low. A few steps to the side and she would spot the hole. Excellent. Instead of just pouncing for the attack however, the lioness would carefully sneak her way around it. Paws placed carefully, she would take up position behind the hole a few feet, grasses blocking her form to give her some camouflage. From here she would wait, crouched, body ready to make the move. It was just a waiting game now.

talk. think. you"