
Life Changing



5 Years
05-18-2015, 11:42 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She did not wait very long, but it felt longer than it was. Her thoughts were still all over the place thinking of how things could go wrong, how her family could thwart her wish to stay with her friend and newly confessed love rather than with them. Anais dreaded them being upset with her, of being angry at Glacier for altering her thoughts and plans in this way, but she hoped they would be willing to listen to her. Just as Glacier had to know how she felt, she wanted her family to know how deeply she cared for this blue wolf too. It meant too much to her to let them dictate what she did.

Her little sister was the first to arrive, and the sight of her made the ache in Ani's heart worse. She looked so distraught already, lost and disheartened, and the smile she had tried to greet the younger girl with fell away from her face as her ears pinned more fully against her head. She could not let this be. As Lior sat across from her and Glacier, saying nothing to either of them, Anais got to her feet and padded slowly over to her, her golden eyes seeking her sister's. She hesitated as she reached her side and calmly, comfortingly reached out to nuzzle her face into her neck. She hated seeing her sad and could barely stand just standing by and doing nothing. Drawing back, she smiled again, this time more sincere, a little brighter, trying to draw one of equal measure from the distressed younger girl.

Settling into her sisterly role lessened the anxiety she felt, drew her focus away from her own predicament and back to those of her family which were always easier for her to think on. Her nervousness lessened little by little, and by the time Nako appeared, looking very plainly as if he had recently been hunting, Anais stepped once away from her sister to look at him as she saw his eyes move to Glacier. "Nako," she answered him, her voice placating and trying to soothe the bristle she had seen rise over him. Her golden gaze followed him as he moved to their sister, comforting her in his own way as he remarked upon Glacier.

Anais felt her cheeks heat slightly but refused to be embarrassed into keeping quiet. This was too important to her. "He is," she stated, a shy little smile beginning to creep upon her lips. "I'm sorry I didn't bring him around sooner. This is Glacier." She turned, standing between her family and her mountainous friend, and pulled her gaze from her siblings to the silver-eyed wolf. "Glacier, this is part of my family. That's Lior and Nako." Were her other brothers coming, or had they been too far away to hear her call? And Lebrah? There was a little worry for him, but she hoped that maybe he was finally getting used to his new surroundings and doing a bit of exploring without her.

Deciding it was too soon yet to mention anything of how her feelings for Glacier had grown, the golden-grey wolf kept silent and hoped her attempt at introducing everyone would go well.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.