
Get The Party Started



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-18-2015, 01:22 PM

A call from Donostrea was something that, naturally, intrigued her. Voltage had been quite a pleasant character and had made in impression on her. She could consider him an ally, and a friend, though he did warn his pack was quite independent and his siblings were not as willing to blindly befriend and offer their loyalty to just anyone. Still, the call was quite curious as it had not been from Voltage himself. An invitation to gather, it seemed. There was no hint of danger or hurry in the howl that echoed far across the lands, merely a call to gather. Another festival of sorts, she wondered? She'd heard the call from Threar for their festival, though had neglected to join them, for no reason in particular.

The journey to their lands was a short one. It was rather pleasant, too, as the more eastern coast had still not been touched too deeply by winter's wrath. The breeze from the sea was a bit frigid though it wasn't entirely uncomfortable. Her mind would sway as she traveled along the shoreline, content to feel sand between the pads of her paws and to hear the rhythmic crashing of the ocean against the shore. Only when she drew closer to the beach, which was lined with strange glimmering black sand, did she slowly snap back to reality. The gathering was quite large - certainly busier than she'd expected - and she wore a grin as she tentatively crossed into their territory. Her gaze would sweep across the wolves before settling on Voltage, though she noted Arian had arrived too and would let out a bark in her direction to alert her of her presence.

"Greetings," she'd call out, mostly to Voltage, though her gaze wandered to and fro as she approached him. "Thank you for the invitation, Voltage," she'd offer with a grin, wondering briefly if she ought to have brought a gift of sorts.. but the scent of fallen prey was strong in the air, and she knew that nobody would be going home hungry. "Are most of these wolves your family?" Her gaze would sweep away from him, searching the crowd. Some were familiar, but most were not, though they all seemed so vastly different in appearance.