
Life Changing



6 Years
Extra large
05-18-2015, 02:29 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2015, 03:06 PM by Glacier.)

He would keep the slight space between them out of respect to Anais's family, but he would glance over at her and smile as often as he could to offer her his support. When the first wolf arrived he would smile at the girl and dip his head in silent greeting, but nothing more as he let Anais take the stage. This was her family and he would not interfere but to offer reassurances when the time was right. Instead he began to study the two wolves who had arrived in an attempt to better understand them and what they where thinking, to decide what problems he and Anais might face – bit also because he was curious, this was the family Anais spoke so lovingly of, these where wolves that meant a great deal to Anais.

He didn't move when Anais did, letting the girl have her space as she moved to her sisters side. He could see that this wolf already was guessing at what was going on and feeling distraught, and he wished he could ease her mind in some way, make this better, but instead he kept to his silence.

The next wolf would arrive and Glacier would gain his name as words where passed between brother and sister. He couldn't help but let his lips twitch into a grin at the brother – Nako's – words. When Anais at last made the introduction and gave his name to these wolves he would nod his head in greeting. “Its a pleasure to meet you both, Lior and Nako, Anais speaks highly of you” he added with a smile “And i've been told Lior, that your interested in learning healing, its a fantastic skill to have and i'm sure you'll do wonderfully” he continued politely, unsure how else to proceed, but the truth of the matter was, they would like him or they would not, he could not stop them from either emotion and which ever they decided would effect Anais greatly.
