
I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song


06-11-2013, 08:56 PM

He watched her with a mischievous gaze as she rose to her paws, a smile taking center stage on her beautiful fa?ade. He never wanted to see that smile fade from her lips. She was beautiful with or without it, but she looked so much radiant with it on. He could see her mismatched eyes linger on his figure as she wandered closer to the pools. His tail swayed slowly from side to side as he waited for Song to put a good distance between them, waiting until her attention was completely taken for him to make his move. Her excited voice reaching his ears as she called for him to go see something. Oh he would see something alright, but it wouldn't be whatever she wanted to show him.

A mischievous grin split his lips as he launched himself to his paws, taking three easy bounds to reach her, his massive frame looming large over hers as he reared up, front limbs ready to grab a hold of her and bring her down. She'd just turned around in time to meet his head-on tackle. Would he reflexes be quick enough to dodge his attack or would she tumble to the ground with him? Either way would be fine with him. If he missed then he would just try and try again until he finally got her. And if that meant giving her a good chase, then he definitely wasn't opposed to him missing.

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