
Celebrate Good Times, COME ON!


05-18-2015, 04:44 PM

For the past few days, Wren had been out scavenging the beaches, fields, and mountains, searching for only the most beautiful of things for her five children. They were a year old already. It felt like only yesterday she was curled around their tiny bodies, singing gently to them as they slept. Now, they nearly stood to her height, ready to serve the pack in any way possible. Wren sighed gently and made her way through the few inches of snow, weaving through the roots and rocks that poked out of the ground dangerously. When suddenly, Bass' loud howl tore through the sky. The woman sighed gently. It was time to celebrate their growth...and she was so glad Bass had arranged this.

Carrying a massive leaf, in which held all the gifts for her children, Wren bounded her way in Serpent Plains, her eyes shining with pride, but a crooked frown forming upon her face. She didn't want her little babies to grow up so fast...she still wanted to cuddle up with them in Bass' den, and continue to sing to them until they fell asleep or relaxed. Wren took a deep breath as she saw Bass and a few others, and she quickened her pace, smiling gently.

"Hello Motif, Novella." She greeted through the leaf in her mouth, gently setting it down at her paws and sitting over it. Her eyes, though, moved over to Rhythm, who she hasn't seen in forever. She had heard she was forbidden to come onto Abaven...but it seemed Bass had changed his mind. Wren grinned to her and dipped her head.