
The Heat In The Winter

Mercy I


5 Years

05-18-2015, 08:41 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2015, 08:42 PM by Mercy I.)

It wasn't long before someone else joined her, her head moving slowly upwards to eye Kyarst. He looked to be in no better shape than her, so she giggled at his words. "I decided that it would be smart to spar against a tiger. And damn was it a rush." She said softly, looking up at him as he leaned towards her. Purple eyes cast quickly towards his belly, huffing slightly as he asked if she had seen a healer. "Revenge would kill me, and I am sure that Rhythm would do the same. No... I have been hiding for a bit. But it looks like you were in your own bit of fun while I was away, dearest Kyarst," she murmured, unable to keep the underlying hint of lust from her voice. Tail twisted behind her, not able to resist wafting her heat scent at him. Neither of them were able to do anything that were on her mind, with his belly hurt and her shoulders and neck injured. But oh hot damn how she just wanted to get jumped right now. Rising to her paws, she stretched slowly, reopening parts of her shoulder wound again as she stretched out his muscles. It hurt soooo good. Flickering her ears, she walked closer to the darker man and eyed his belly even closer. Looked like he had gotten beat up pretty good. "Looks like you need more practice, you nearly lost your guts."

Mercy chuckled as she walked around him, looking him over for more wounds. It would seem that his belly was the worst one, but he had obviously been taken care of. Her brow rose as she paused in front of him again, purple eyes inspected his green ones. "From what I have been told, you probably shouldn't be moving. Disobeying orders again?" Mercy asked in a low voice. She was trying to be keep things normal, with all these hormones twirling through her form it was hard to keep things under wraps. This was the first time that she had the hormones to back up her lustful thoughts. It was sending her into overdrive, her whole body practically thrumming with her energy. Injured or not, it was very hard to push things aside.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.