
when it rains



3 Years
05-18-2015, 09:02 PM
Leading came naturally, especially when it came to one thing that they both wanted right now - a good hunt and a filling meal. She was slightly oblivious as he let her lead, content to take the reins as they began to head further west. Content to fall into a comfortable silent, she merely snorted playfully in response to his comment. Only briefly would she turn to eye him, noting that his gaze held a bit of want though she was ignorant as to whether it was directed toward her or simply adrenaline from the possibility of a hunt.

She'd slow when she felt him bump her shoulder, turning briefly to him as they neared the river. She exhaled gently before breathing in the scents that surrounded them. The air was damp and she had to shake her head once again to rid her eyelashes of water. "There," she'd say softly, gesturing to a group of trees that stood nearby. "I saw movement." How many were there, she wasn't sure, but she was certain she saw them rustling beneath the foliage. They'd likely be caught off guard in the storm, and she hoped that in the chaos one of them might separate from the others. Perhaps one might even be weaker than the rest, and show itself as an easy target. "Maybe you should go at them from the right," Lysis would begin, her tail flicking as she devised a plan. "Try to loop around them from the side and force them toward the river. I'll run at them from this side. In the confusion, hopefully one will stray from the rest.." Even if they tried to swim, it would likely be panicked and sloppy in the midst of the storm, and she hoped even then they might be able to chase one down before it got too far.

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.