
--sign in blood--



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-11-2013, 09:28 PM

The change in plans was official. Epiphron Adravendi would soon be Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias, Princess of Seracia. The wedding was soon -- less than a week away -- and she needed to find Chrysanthe, to tell her, and hopefully invite the rest of the pack. Even if they did not address them now, the call would be given upon the day of the wedding, a call that would likely not be ignored. She knew Valhallans were growing tired of chaos and uncertainty, but this day would not be another dreaded meeting. No, this would be a day of celebration, of joy. Seracians and Valhallans would be free to reunite, or make friends anew; to converse and play and hunt. The first step in their alliance had been completed, all they had left to do was seal the deal.

Unlike the previous times when she had returned from a visit with Maverick, she was not left with an empty pit in her stomach. No; she was thrilled at his reaction, his profession of his love for her. The future that awaited the young couple had never been brighter. There was a new bounce in her step, a stronger sense of pride in her dominate posture and an obvious wag in her tail. But as she grew nearer to her home, the home she would soon be leaving behind, an awful noise reached her ears. It sounded no better than a dying animal -- certainly not a wolf. Perked ears swiveled to search for the source of the sound. It was nearby; near their borders, rather than in the center of their territory.

Now she was curious. Hopefully nobody was injured. Her pace increased, carrying her toward the source. It wasn't terribly long before the sight of a rather pregnant lady and her sister came into view. The woman was -- to say the least -- very pregnant, as though she would give birth any second. Brows furrowed a bit, but she hurried on, unsure if she was in need of help or what.

"Sister!" Epiphron greeted her warmly as she drew alongside her, noticing the female's coat had a distinct scent. A pack wolf, it seemed -- she was not of Seracia, nor of Tortuga. Perhaps she was of Glaciem, the northern pack? Or another one entirely? Her joy was obvious as she nuzzled into Chrysanthe's neck, her affection for her blood sister somewhat more unabashed than it might normally be. The reason, it seemed, was obvious -- Chrysanthe had known she would be returning from Seracia today, or the next. Perhaps she would even note the outcome of the meeting, from the wag in her tail and the slight smile that teased the corners of her lips. It was hard to control, despite the seriousness of the conversation that she had come upon.

"Sorry," she apologized quickly to Jupiter, with a dip of her muzzle and a flick of her bushy white tail. "I am Epiphron Adravendi. It is my pleasure," she figured that her sister and the strange female had both given their names, and she hoped the woman would offer it to her as well. She neglected to give her temporary title of Alpha; the wedding was merely a week away. It was best to step down and let Chrysanthe settle into the role she had rightfully been given, had earned.