
I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song


06-11-2013, 09:35 PM

He wasn't putting much effort into his planned tackle of Song, so it didn't surprise him that she was easily able to avoid his advance, merely side-stepping to watch him tumble back onto the dirty, paws empty. Cherokee's forelimbs touched down heavily back onto the dirt, his shoulders pushing up as he paused, audits twisting back upon his head as his ivory dove squealed, her dainty legs carrying her away from him as she initiated another game of tag. Of course she'd want him to chase her; it had been her plan all along hadn't it? He wasn't going to deny her the chase, he rather enjoyed it too. He waited until she was a good distance, giving her a head start like the previous day, before he launched himself into the chase, his massive paws eating up the dirt as he moved after Song, the obsidian brute surprisingly agile for someone of his size.

His long strides closed the gap between them quickly and he thought for sure he was going to be able to catch her this time. Unfortunately, he hadn't anticipated the fact that she would make her own retaliation in the form of her tackling him. He turned skidded to semi-halt a second after Song had turned around, her forelimbs up in the air, ready to pounce on him. His hind limbs gave out beneath him and he could feel the porcelain maiden's paws touch down on his chest as he fell backwards onto the grass, dirt flying up around him as he landed with a loud thump]. Laughter bubbled up from his chest as lied in the dirty, Song standing firmly above him. Guess the tables got turned on me huh? he rumbled playfully, reaching up to swat at one of her cute ears.

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