
i thought of angels choking on their halos



7 Years
Extra large

05-19-2015, 11:05 AM
It seemed quite stupid to place any amount of faith into something that one couldn't see or know directly. If anyone, he worshiped his parents, and couldn't imagine believing in anything but what was in the here and now. Still, it wasn't exactly a topic he wanted to continue talking about as Calypsei seemed stubborn in his belief and he didn't care enough to try to change her mind.

Though she applauded his jump, she began to laugh too. He couldn't be sure if she was laughing directly at him, or was simply entertained at his jump. He was pretty damn glad he'd landed the jump. What if he hadn't? He was certain that his family was sleeping. What if they didn't hear him? Would Calypsei help him, or simply watch him drown in the rapids after what he'd said to her about her goddess of the moon or whatever she had called it? He didn't trust her to try to save him, and so he would perch carefully where he stood on the rock. At least jumping out would be an easier feat.

She introduced herself finally, talking momentarily about her parents and her.. captors? A slightly bewildered look crossed his features. "Were you a slave or something?" he'd ask without thinking. She didn't sound too sad when she'd spoke of them, instead referred to them as like parents, which was a bit odd to him. He'd eye her as she leaped to another rock, though wouldn't join her in crossing the rapids quite yet. Truthfully, he was a bit shaken up from his initial jump, though he wouldn't show it.