
To try and start a system



3 Years
05-19-2015, 05:03 PM

Antonio would listen carefully to the woman, he nodded his head after a couple of words through every time she opened her mouth. He was probably just thankful she was being so calm about it. Speaking her opinions and he would process those things through his head and consider them. One wolf, packs, their allies, their friends. Yes all of it made sense, it was indeed something different. He knew that, and it was a bargain, but how would any pack know unless they tried? Unless they experienced it and so on. That was how Antonio saw it really.

"It may seem unrealistic from a large point of view. I grew up in a pack and am familiar with how it would work even with how each one is unique most of the time." Antonio would wag his tail a little. He was more than happy to be having this conversation right now. "A pack in the north by the name of Sonticus has agree'd to try my system out. On the condition that it may possibly just crash and fail and if it doesn't go as they please they can drop communication with me at any time. Should a wolf be harmed while in my care, they can dish out any punishment they see fit." His pastel eyes wormed over her a bit.

"It is definitely strange, and a bargain, it has cracks, a few flaws here and there. But I will not know how it truly can work unless at least a couple of packs put their faith in me per-say. Not only with messaging, but even if pups need transferring, or if someone needs a place to hide for the moment if they are in trouble. I'm willing to risk my life for these things and be punished if I do not do them correctly. At the moment, I only have my voice as proof, and I know it may not be enough. Perhaps even in the future more loners will join me in this organization if things go well." Antonio would finally explain. It was a bet, bet to fail, or bet to win. Already he had been thrown out of the loop on more than one occasion. He was trying his best and if it didn't go well, he probably would go back to being alone and just hiding in a den. Not that it bothered him, life was full of danger and disappointments.

"I speak"